Dawn and I are currently in Ireland visiting Dublin, Ireland, and the ministry here among university students. Did you know that the famous Irish saint – Patrick – was actually from Roman Britain? He came first to Ireland as a slave, then escaped and made his way home. After receiving a vision from heaven, he returned to Ireland, to the land of his slavery, as the first Christian missionary to the wild and pagan Irish. In fact, Patrick was the first missionary outside the bounds of the Roman empire. So, Saint Patrick’s Day is more than a celebration of green beer and all things Irish, but a great reminder of what God can do with a former slave who chose to follow Him to the farthest western place on the map at that time.

Reading the Bible Cover to Cover
Join me in reading the Bible cover to cover in 2025. If you spend 30 minutes a day on social media, you can read through the Bible in a year. Download the 5 Day Bible Reading Plan, grab your Bible and join in. You’ll be glad you spent this year with the men and women of Scripture.
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- Cru Press GO: Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth
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- Power to Change (Cru Canada) Several articles from my book on missions featured by Power to Change (Cru Canada)
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