We were recently in New York City as Dawn and I visited our son, Matt, who is working at Fordham University. One of the highlights of the trip was a visit to Ellis Island, where loads of immigrants to the US first landed and were processed before moving around the country. A small island in New York’s harbor, right next to the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island is a must-see for anyone visiting New York. Many Americans trace their ancestors arrival into the country back to Ellis Island. It’s an inspirational place to sit and realize the promise that America held to those making the difficult passage from Europe and ponder the hope that continues to drive immigrants today.

Reading the Bible Cover to Cover
Join me in reading the Bible cover to cover in 2025. If you spend 30 minutes a day on social media, you can read through the Bible in a year. Download the 5 Day Bible Reading Plan, grab your Bible and join in. You’ll be glad you spent this year with the men and women of Scripture.
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- YouVersion Bible Reading Plan A Bible reading plan developed from my book GO: Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth
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- Cru Press GO: Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth
- Cru Press Seers, Sayers, Schemers & Saints
When I was in NY many years ago we took a boat or ferry around Manhattan and much attention was given to Statue of Liberty. Nothing was really said about Ellis Island. How I would love to see it now.