Reformation-era coin from Geneva imprinted with the city motto
I have come to appreciate phrases in Latin. I cannot read Latin nor do I understand it well, but it shows up in the various documents and phrases that form the basis for our beliefs as a nation and in our faith. Plus it sounds super cool.
Think “e pluribus unum,” which means, “out of many, one,” and serves as a motto of the United States.
Under the leadership of the reformer, John Calvin, Geneva, Switzerland adopted this official motto: “post tenebras lux,” meaning “after darkness, light.” This phrase leapt from Geneva to become the motto for the entire Protestant Reformation.
In many ways this is a needed motto, a strong encouragement, for those of us who look seriously at our world and hope to bring change. Darkness is ever with us, but light is not far behind. Let’s not lose heart in pushing toward that light.
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