Do you keep track of goals for each new year? I’ll admit, I’m a goal-maker and list-keeper. Some of my goals will look like most everyone’s, like, “lose some weight,” or “eat more salads.” I’m not sure how committed I’ll be to those goals. But there is one goal that I will work to meet and I encourage you to join me in trying.
One of my goals this year will be to read the Bible front to back. You might like to join me in making that a goal for you, or you might like to set a goal of reading half the Bible this year, or to read the New Testament this year, or maybe simply read a few minutes daily.
You might prefer to listen to the Bible. Many people I know would rather listen than read, so why not apply that to the Scriptures? If you have a commute as part of your life, that’s a great place to listen to the Bible being read to you. And maybe you’ll yell less at your fellow commuters when they annoy you in traffic.
So, regular goal-setter or not, I encourage you in joining me in making more room for reading, listening and understanding the Bible in 2019.
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