What do you need?
“I need a new pair of shoes,” “We need to paint our house,” “I need to get my hair colored again.”
These are all statements heard around our house in the last month and none of them are true. However, in regards to the hair – Dawn’s hair is up to her and I don’t enter into that conversation. But I have at lots of shoes in my closet and our house has older paint which is in fine condition.
What is a true need?
Our most basic needs are water, food, and shelter. Our most basic spiritual need is to know God, made known through His Son, Jesus Christ. To know Jesus is to know God.
To start the new year, we met 25 others in Havana, Cuba to give people a small, portable water filter that would provide clean water for their family. We were there with Filter of Hope, whose mission is to give safe water to those in need, plus an opportunity to understand how Jesus is the Living Water and how they can have “clean hearts” and life in Him.
We witnessed people with REAL, BASIC, and SIGNIFICANT needs. The water in Cuba is not clean. It is filled with bacteria and disease that causes diarrhea and stomach problems. Few homes have a filtration system and it costs too much for many to buy bottled water or the propane needed to boil the water. Most Cubans live on approximately $25 per month.
Dozens of teams of college students will head to Cuba and other Latin America countries over their spring breaks to work with Filter of Hope, delivering both clean water and Living Water. Please pray for them as they bring life and hope to entire families.
If you, your church, small group, or family have a desire to be involved with this type of mission trip, please visit filterofhope.org to see about going to one of the many countries where they serve.
Jesus told us, “Everyone who drinks this water will become thirsty again. But those who drink the water that I will give them will never become thirsty again. In fact, the water I will give them will become in them a spring that gushes up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14.
How true. When I complain, I often question what I “need” is really what I want. How blessed we are to live as we do.