As you know, there are lots of books on leadership available. With that in mind, why did I write another one? Here’s one of my reasons, from page 120 of Seers, Sayers, Schemers & Saints:

Today’s era stands as one of the most challenging in which to lead in spiritually. Pressures abound that turn the heads of those trying to walk in a way that emulates Jesus. Social media blesses and curses, while always hovering within arm’s length. Entertainers rise and fall like fireworks, fads swing in and out of our lives. People come and go. We move often and switch jobs regularly. The noise of life barrages us constantly. We hear leaders of various enterprises telling us how to lead, but in a few years those same leaders fade away. What’s solid in today’s world? Where can we sink foundations that hold? Bedrock is the Bible, the ancient text filled with lessons from past lives.

Lots of people tell us how to live life, lots of advice floods our social media feeds daily. Much of it valueless. Shouldn’t we invest our time, energy, thought and emotion into something of great value? Pulling people back to the foundation of faith, the solid rock of scripture, is one of the primary reasons I wrote this book.

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