The Lord is near; do not be anxious about anything...
So begins one of my favorite passages of scripture, found in Philippians chapter 4. The writer tells us to present our requests to God, to petition the Lord of the Universe with thankfulness, and as a result the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. That’s really amazing, don’t you think? We can bring our problems to the Creator?
Alongside that thought, in Matthew 6, Jesus tells us that we needn’t worry about what we should eat or what we should wear, because the Lord feeds the birds and clothes the flowers, and He cares much more for us.
I have to admit, when I worry about things in my life I don’t compare myself to birds or flowers. My issues feel bigger than theirs, I’m a more complicated creature. I have deeper issues rolling around in my mind than seeds or sunshine.
While I certainly face complicated issues, Jesus points out that the Lord doesn’t find my issues complicated at all. A glance at the flowers outside my door (pictured above) reminds me that their beauty and complexity result from the Lord’s voice. Just as he takes the time to craft the beauty of those coneflowers, which bloom and fade in a few short weeks, God takes the time to craft us into his image.
So, I go again to one of my favorite passages, reminded afresh of this wonderful, astounding promise revealed graciously to us…
The Lord is near; do not be anxious about anything...
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