Soon after Jesus was born, Magi, or wise men, arrived from the East to worship the new child king. Entering Jerusalem, they created a stir, disturbing King Herod and the entire city (it’s been said that the entire city was upset along with the king, because the king was paranoid and tended to kill people when stressed).

Herod called the chief priests and teachers together to find out where the Messiah was to be born. Bethlehem was the answer and when Herod later talked to the Magi in secret he shared this knowledge. The Magi promptly boarded their camels and went to find Jesus.
As the Magi carried on, the teachers and the priests apparently went home. After hearing the wondrous tale of a Messiah only a few miles away, one group of learned men went to find the child, while others couldn’t be bothered.
Why do some people find Jesus so fascinating while others turn away? In this case the religious teachers, who knew the scriptures in depth, didn’t believe a Messiah could be present in their midst. They knew their religious legends, but lost the possibility of a living Lord. The Magi, on the other hand, heard the legends, followed the star, and worshipped the king.
As you enter this Christmas season, where will you turn, toward the King in your midst, or toward the safety of ordinary life? Like the Magi, I suggest that you travel a bit farther to Bethlehem. The last few miles make all the difference.
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