Guidance from Overlooked Men and Women of the Bible

When Truth Means Nothing

Then a new king, to whom Joseph meant nothing, came to power in Egypt.

As a result, the lives of the Israelites turned into a hell of slavery and infanticide and death.

To be honest, I find myself more attracted to the tingling power of the king than to the suffering Israelites.

This new king either knew nothing of Egypt’s past history, or simply ignored it. This king embraced his power to force history, and God’s people, into the new day dawning, to pull the dark past into an enlightened future. Which he conveniently controlled.

How am I like the king? I’m like the king when I ignore the clear teachings of scripture to slip into the ever-swirling moral perspectives of our cultural moment. I’m like the king when I discount the words of the New and Old Testament writers regarding personal freedoms, sexuality, gender confusion, and moral actions. I’m like the king when I depreciate truth to avoid looking intolerant or outdated, to appear loving and open-minded, to embrace the modern and jettison the past.

Under the new kings of our age, and their updated views of of truth, await a future of slavery and infanticide and death.

Under the teachings of scripture await a narrow and confining future. But narrow is the way that leads to life.

I choose life.

Exodus 1 in Week five of reading the Bible cover to cover.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Thanks for this Dave, the term “slippery slope” comes to mind in your “cultural moment” reference.

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