Sibling rivalries can be hell. Especially in the Bible, where in one of the first recorded acts, Cain murdered his brother, Abel.

Moses faced the preening jealousy of his own brother and sister. Miriam and Aaron stirred into their snotty attitudes a reach for power, and the resulting odor caught the attention of the Lord. God invited all three for a consultation.

Expressing his displeasure, the Lord struck Miriam with leprosy and left. Aaron then realized their sin and begged Moses to intercede. An unbelievably gracious brother, Moses prayed and the Lord responded.

What a heinous image of the damage inflicted by jealous attitudes and actions. I harm myself when I nurse my pet jealousies. I invite a wasting disease to spread through my mind, my body, my life. If unchecked, I’ll eventually appear like one who’s flesh is half-eaten away.

Lord, grant me the humility of Moses, rather than the jealousy of his siblings.

Numbers 12 in week ten of reading the Bible cover to cover