If I had another kid, I’d name him Tychicus. Maybe only a middle name, but still. I love the guy.

Tychicus carried several letters for Paul, documents that later become the books of Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon & Titus. Tychicus epitomized “faithful.” Paul counted on Tychicus, for good reason.

I need people like Tychicus in my life, and I hope I prove resilient and faithful in the same way. I tend to forget how much I owe to faithful men and women like Tychicus, so I’m grateful for this reminder Paul places at the end of Colossians.

Do you have a Tychicus in your life? If so, shoot them a thank you via text or email or letter. Value them, because they value you.

(Photo is the last page of Colossians from the Codex Claromontanus).

Colossians 4 in week ten of reading the Bible cover to cover