Moses stood reviewing the work of the Lord as two paths opened before the people. One to prosperity, one to disaster. A ceremony pronouncing blessings and curses to each other underscored the gravity of their choices.

The blessings sound wonderful and familiar. Prosperity, fruitful wombs, abundant crops. The promised land.

But the curses – what a list! Stricken with wasting diseases, heat and drought, blight and mildew. Defeated in war, their carcasses eaten by wild animals. Madness, blindness and confusion of mind. Fiancees raped, children stolen. Boils covering their bodies. Driven mad by the horror before their eyes.

We know the rest of the story. The blessings came to fruition. Tragically, the curses as well.

What do I do with this list? Although the Lord pronounced them to the children of Israel, the principles apply to me as well. I pause over these words as I reflect on the power of God, and they move me to gratitude for the grace found in Jesus.

And, since I have a chance to pick my path, I choose life.

Deuteronomy 27 & 28 in week thirteen of reading the Bible cover to cover

Photo by Gwendal Cottin