On Saturday after the crucifixion the followers of Jesus gathered, despondent. Jesus was dead and in the ground. His last words rang in their ears, My God, my God, why have your forsaken me? They felt forsaken as well.

Perhaps these disciples remembered Jesus’s story about the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16), where Lazarus wasn’t allowed to bring even a drop of water to the rich man as he suffered torment in hell. A great chasm separated the two, impossible to cross.

Such a chasm never felt deeper or wider. No hope flared in the disciple’s hearts – grief and pain doused any flickers.

Suffering. Lost. Hopeless. These original followers of Jesus despaired.

But only a few hours of agony remained. A bridge now arched over that chasm of separation. Hope would fire again in their hearts, changing everything about their lives and futures.

Because Sunday was coming…

Week thirteen of reading the Bible cover to cover

Holy Saturday by Eugene Burnand, 1907-8