I enjoyed several unforgettable meals over the years. One at an outdoor restaurant in Mexico with peacocks strolling between tables. Another in China where, as the guest of honor, the host served me the head of a duck. Not to mention many wonderful family gatherings around a table.

Following the resurrection of Jesus, Cleopas and his companion walked with an unknown man who cleared up their confusion about the event. At the end of a long day, they all sat down to supper.

The meal started when the unknown man gave thanks and broke bread. Then Cleopas and his friend recognized Jesus, who immediately vanished.


The painting displayed is entitled Supper at Emmaus, painted by Carravaggio in 1601. The original hangs in the British National Gallery, where I discovered it for myself several years ago.

I love the way the artist captured the exact instant these men recognized Jesus, the shock on their faces and the tension in their bodies. Total surprise.

A copy now hangs in my study, where I see it every day, reminding me of the many people waiting to be surprised by Jesus.

Luke 24 in week fifteen of reading the Bible cover to cover