The incongruity seems obvious to anyone reading through the Old Testament. The mother of Micah took 200 silver coins, dedicated them to the Lord, then sent her son to cast them into an idol (Judges 17).

But the Lord specifically prohibited idols in the Ten Commandments – You shall not make for yourself a carved image (Exodus 20:4).

What happened between Mount Sinai and the hills of the promised land?

Time, complacency, and lack of reverence for the Scriptures given to Moses from the hand of God.

You and I face the same problem. The faith we follow remains only one generation deep. Young people reap encouragement to wander off into desolate fields, to carve their personal image to worship.

How do we show a better way?

The same writings of Moses, along with those of the prophets and the disciples, live for us today. I serve future generations by helping them study and live the Scriptures. I serve by passing down my reverence for the Scriptures to others. I serve by not just talking my faith, but walking my faith.

Hard, challenging, and slow, this type of life remains the only antidote to a world constantly encouraging me to do whatever is right in my own eyes.

Week fifteen of reading the Bible cover to cover