At the hour of prayer, Peter and John happened upon a crippled beggar. The man asked for money, but Peter helped the beggar to his feet, healing him in the name of Jesus.

The lame beggar’s response? After steadying himself against Peter, and feeling strength infuse his feet and ankles, he took a few tentative steps. Next, a careful bounce on his toes. Then – a leap!

What an extravagant pleasure! This man never walked in his life. Born unable to stand, he watched other kids run and play. As a grown man, he begged for his bread, carried to his station by others. This man leaped only in his dreams, then woke to his cruel reality in the morning.

Now walking. Now literally jumping for joy! Now proclaiming the power of Jesus.

This lame beggar’s life reflects our own. Born unable to solve our deepest problem, we wait for healing. When it comes, we join our fellow beggars in walking alongside Jesus.

Someday, thanks again to Jesus, I hope to move from this life to the next. There, alongside that no longer lame beggar, I will experience inexpressible joy.

I plan to look him up in that great city, and join him in leaping down some streets of gold.

Acts 3 in week sixteen of reading the Bible cover to cover

Photo by Etienne Boulanger