One aspect of newly discovered faith that bubbles up in people is generosity. The believers in the early church immediately started giving to others. Spontaneous and natural, as God influenced their lives, they began to notice and respond to the needs of others. No one told them to do so.

I know several generous givers. These folks give expansively of their finances, but I also notice they give generously of their time, their influence and their expertise. Generosity seems to flow from their lives, like water from a spring.

Generous people attract friends. Some might take advantage of their generosity, but many more enjoy the good nature and freedom from scarcity generous people bring to those around them.

Personally, generosity doesn’t come natural. I need the prodding of the Holy Spirit, and I need this example from the believers in Acts. I pray for a generous spirit, and I’m ever grateful for the many, many generous people in my life.

Acts 4 in week sixteen of reading the Bible cover to cover

Photo by Elaine Casap