The rapidly growing church (see Acts 6) faced a problem. Certain widows missed out on the daily dispersion of food. No small issue, for these women suffered already, and the indignity of being ignored by the very people who claimed to love them hurt them and the new church’s reputation.

The disciples took action, and appointed a group of men to lead and work out the daily regimen of food distribution.

I’m impressed with the disciples decision to add leaders to their mix. The widows posed a significant problem at a tentative time. The disciples easily might have shifted their responsibilities and shouldered this new burden, working harder and longer. It’s risky to trust young leaders.

But trust they did. The disciples entrusted good people with a major problem, passed on their blessing and authority, removed their hand of control, and let these new leaders go to it.

The result? The number of believers greatly increased in Jerusalem, and many of the Jewish priests were converted, too.

I wonder, who might I help flourish in their leadership and how might I do so?

Week sixteen of reading the Bible cover to cover

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger