I’m always impressed with Ananias and his response when the Lord told him to go to Saul, place his hands on him and restore his sight. Ananias, the disciple, moving toward his persecutor, Saul.

Ananias, after receiving clear directions, went directly to Saul’s house, stepped across the threshold and went to work. How fast did Ananias walk down Straight Street? Did he shuffle slowly, praying all the way? Or did he rush, hoping in the Lord that the confrontation would go well?

Either way, Ananias literally stepped out of his door in faith, choosing a path of bravery and obedience.

In doing so, Ananias started Paul down his own path of bravery and obedience.

I benefit tremendously from the writings of Paul and the example of his life. This story reminds me of the faith of the man who helped him see. While I may never sway the world like Paul, I do hope I can put one foot in front of the other like his healer.

Thank you, Ananias.

Read more about Ananias and Paul in my book Seers, Sayers, Schemers & Saints.

Acts 9 in week seventeen of reading the Bible cover to cover

Photo by Benjamin Davies