So warned Paul to members of a string of churches in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). I’m amazed Paul preached any sermon at all to these folks. For only a short time before…

Paul and Barnabus rode a bucking bronco of ministry through Lystra. Initially, Paul healed a man crippled from birth. This launched the crowd into hysteria, believing gods walked in their midst. Deciding Barnabus was Zeus and Paul was Hermes, the priest of the temple fetched bulls to sacrifice in their honor.

Paul and Barnabus rushed forward in dismay. They urged the crowd to understand who was human (Paul, Barnabus and everyone else), and who was God (the living one who made the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, etc.).

Disappointed, the crowd swayed toward the arguments of a group of Jewish opponents of the Christian faith. Super upset that these guys weren’t really gods, but only healing crippled people, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of town, leaving him for dead.

Somehow Paul survived and went back into town. Gutsy move.

Later Paul preached his sermon to those new believers – we must suffer many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.

Like Paul and Barnabus, I suffer hardships as I walk through trials and challenges in my life and my faith. That said, I’ve never faced a crowd throwing rocks at my head.

For that matter, I hope I don’t ever face a crowd who thinks I’m a god – I’m afraid I’d give in and go with the flow…

Acts 12 in week eighteen of reading the Bible cover to cover

Photo by Sacha T’Sas