Is to remind the man behind the whip where your nationality lies. In Paul’s case, the Roman empire.

Paul appealed to his citizenship often, especially the fact that he was born a citizen. Many purchased their citizenship into the empire. Paul’s status as a citizen opened doors, caught the attention of important people, and stayed the hand of those dealing out punishments.

While my American passport opens lots of doors for me around the world, these days a Canadian passport opens even more (Canada hasn’t made as many enemies as the US lately). As a missionary, I use the tools at my disposal, and my U.S. citizenship serves well in that regard.

It makes me wonder – what else has the Lord placed in my hands that’s advantageous to helping others understand and embrace the Christian faith?

Varied aspects of my life come to mind – where I’m from, my education, my family, my experiences, my struggles and failures and strengths and victories.

God weaves all this together as I set out to serve others and communicate my faith, preferably with no flogging involved.

Acts 22 in week nineteen of reading the Bible cover to cover

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