Everyone loves how Jesus related to children. Episode 3 in season 1 of The Chosen series depicts Jesus engaging with children in delightful ways (in fact, if you haven’t watched The Chosen, it’s well worth your time).

Jesus stopped his disciples from shooing away a gaggle of kids brought to him by their parents. He said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

Really? I’m in line with the disciples on this one—pat the kids on the head and let’s get back to adult conversation. What endeared children to Jesus in such a strong way?

Innocence? Kids aren’t innocent. Kindness? Not necessarily. Unselfish? Kids can be as selfish as anyone I know. Intelligent? Some yes, some no. Cleanliness? Ha.

The truth lies closer to their concept of self.

The children ran to Jesus with humility. They didn’t stack up their good qualities for Jesus, they just stood wide-eyed before Jesus. They trusted Jesus. It seems that children enjoyed being with Jesus, not just getting something from Jesus.

As an adult I feel the need to prove myself. I’m better at using others. Humbleness takes a back seat to, well, everything else.

Not so much with these children. Nothing to prove, nothing to show, they just let Jesus bless them.

And, I have a feeling that Jesus enjoyed the enthusiasm, laughter and silliness that children bring—seems like he didn’t get much of that.

Matthew 19 in week thirty-two of reading the Bible cover to cover

Photo by Larm Rmah