We are getting new window blinds in our house next week, a host of tangled cords and broken mechanisms leading us to replacement. My wife (sensing the frugal thoughts spinning up in my head) informed me that the old blinds worked for 23 years, quite an excellent record, and nothing lasts forever.

What does last forever? Stupid things posted in the internet last forever. That extra doughnut shoved in my mouth lasts forever—“a minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.” Various meetings I sit in seem to last forever.

But really, none of these last forever. Someday the internet will morph, or fade away, or blow up in a cataclysmic explosion. I’ll carry that extra fat to the grave, thankfully no one inherits that possession. Meetings, and jobs, and careers all close.

What lasts forever? In a sermon about the end of days, Jesus underscored—Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

Three things last forever—God, human souls, and the words of Jesus.

That’s all.

I’m reminded that as you and I consider the long-term investment of our lives—our time, talent, energy—these form the building blocks of a good portfolio.

Matthew 24 in week thirty-three of reading the Bible cover to cover

Photo by Sincerely Media