So goes an old joke shared by preening Bible students when young and looking for attention, hit on after reading Paul’s description of the Corinthian church as God’s temple. Too bad those same bodies now sag and ache and grow hair from awful places.

Being a product of our Western, highly individualistic mindset, I tend to read this passage as referring specifically to me, a single person, the one and only. Paul, however, has more in mind as he writes to this local church. The believers represent God on earth, the Holy Spirit dwells among them, and together they make up the temple.

This reminds me of the importance of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The life of a Jesus follower involves more than me. I only grow and develop and serve alongside others. While we all need times of solitude and silence, true religion occurs in community.

And woe to the one who destroys such a community. God’s retribution awaits. Pastors and teachers carry a heavy burden in caring for the church, God’s temple amongst us. You and I must remember to pray for those leading our local congregations.

So let’s pray for the Holy Spirit to move, to keep the church vibrant and healthy, and unlike our bodies—fresh for a new generation.

1 Corinthians 3:16,17 in week thirty five of reading the Bible cover to cover

Ruins of the Temple of Athena in Athens, Greece