The Assyrian army outside Jerusalem felt like a tidal wave cresting against the walls. No other city had survived their attacks. No previous gods rescued their people from these conquering warriors. Nothing and nobody slowed the steady march of Sennacherib, the Assyrian king, through the nation of Judah. What possibly could be done to stop them? Would the meager defensive preparations hold? For how long?

All these thoughts and more rolled through the mind of Hezekiah, the king of Judah, as he stood on the wall and gazed at this vast collection of men and war machinery before him. All of them there to end his life and to destroy Jerusalem.

In this dark hour, with the barbarians at the gate, Hezekiah gave a speech. He assembled the people and told them, Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the King of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.

That’s it. Short and to the point.

How did the besieged people respond? And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the King of Judah said. Hezekiah’s words, his trust in the Lord, his vision of who fights for the nation instilled confidence in these besieged citizens. His speech helped them to stand firm in the face of an overwhelming force.

A leader motivates. A leader may not be a gifted speaker or a talented writer, but a leader figures out how to motivate his followers to a desired end.

In this case of Hezekiah, his well-spoken words come at just the right time. As we watch the story unfold, the Lord responded to Hezekiah’s faith and the blasphemy of Sennacherib by sending an angel who wiped out every fighting man of Assyria.

The beaten king withdrew in shame and returned home where his sons assassinated him in the temple of his god. The Lord proves a point like no other. No arm of flesh stands a chance against the Lord. Mock the living God? Never a good idea. Wiser to pray and trust the Lord like Hezekiah.

Also, like Hezekiah, better to transfer that trust to others. The people gained confidence from what Hezekiah said. Have you ever been the recipient of a well-spoken word? Perhaps a compliment when you needed it most, or a note of courage when afraid? How about a good yelling from a coach, or a challenge to excel from a teacher? A leader motivates. An influential leader motivates in such a way that the people gain confidence. Confidence breeds action. Confidence is contagious. Confidence paired with the Lord wins battles.

Learn to instill confidence in others as you lead. Better yet, learn to instill confidence in the Lord among those you lead and you might just change the world.

2 Chronicles 32 in week thirty-six of reading the Bible cover to cover.

This post is from Seers Sayers Schemers & Saints; Lessons on Leadership from Overlooked Men and Women of the Bible

Photo by K. Mitch Hodge