Does it seem weird to you that Jesus told his disciples that they would be better off after he left? I mean, how do things get better when Jesus leaves? It seemed weird to the disciples, and they immediately started asking questions.

Jesus answered them, very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.

The announcement of the Advocate, or the Holy Spirt, changed the game. Jesus may not be with us in person, but the Holy Spirit stands with followers of Jesus every day. The Spirit of Truth speaks the word of Jesus to our hearts and souls.

I imagine that if Jesus were standing right next to me, his light of clarity would illumine my difficult decisions. I would just ask Jesus the right way to go. But I overlook the magnificent gift Jesus refers to in this teaching. The Holy Spirit, speaking the words of Jesus, actually stands with me this very moment.

So—how do I hear what He has to say?

First, I need to ask. Ask the Holy Spirit to control my thoughts and decision-making. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide me every day, to point out areas that displease him—sin—and to direct me in better ways. I need to understand that the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures work seamlessly together. Time in the scriptures opens doors for the Spirit to work.

Then, of course, I need to listen and obey—the crux of the issue.

If I hope to experience a relationship with God, a term we use a lot in Christian discipleship, then it appears the key connection lies with the Holy Spirit. A relationship begins with someone close, and who’s closer than our Advocate?

Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom, for guidance, for patience, for conviction, for love and for all the things heavy on your heart. But expect him to start messing around in your life. You might be like me and not want someone aiming truth at the places where you nurture lies. But Jesus sent the Spirit of Truth to do just that.

Give the Holy Spirit a chance to work. You’ll be happily surprised with the results.

John 16 in week forty-six of reading the Bible cover to cover

Photo by Mantas Hesthaven