Guidance from Overlooked Men and Women of the Bible

Thankful To Be Seen

For though the Lord is high, he regards the lowly, but the haughty he knows from afar (Psalm 138:6).

The theme rises from the pages of scripture again and again, like a steady drip from a corroded faucet. Over and over passages remind me of the disdain the Lord holds for the prideful, the arrogant, and the haughty.

The Lord knows the haughty from afar. Sort of like that distant cousin who lives across the country, the one you just heard about at Thanksgiving, who then faded into your recesses of thought until next year.

You know your cousin, but only from afar.

I keep haughty people I know at a distance. Not my cousins (many of whom are delightful), but old friends and acquaintances, people who I found unpleasant to spend time with due to their haughty attitudes towards me and others. I don’t hate them—I just don’t see any need to waste time with them. I choose to know them from afar.

Is this the attitude of the Lord toward the haughty? Is this the attitude of the Lord towards me, if I choose to live among the arrogant?

If so, better to stand in the anonymous ranks of the lowly, seen and looked upon by the Lord. Better to be remembered, than left to my own devices by my Creator.

Psalm 138 in week forty-seven of reading the Bible cover to cover

Photo by Alex Iby

1 Comment

  1. Glenn Watson

    Great words as always Dave

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