I have much to be grateful for this time of year, including a successful trip with a group on the Camino de Santiago, despite all the covid fears and protocols. One of our participants said this of the trip:

The Camino trip with y’all is one of the greatest gifts we have received from God in our 20+ years with Cru. We returned home with sore joints but refreshed souls.

I’m grateful for family and friends, and for times of slowness and contemplation. Of course, I grateful for those of you who read my blog regularly, or occasionally, whatever the case may be!

As staff members with Cru (the campus ministry where I do my day job), my wife and I raise all the funds needed to cover our salary, health care, retirement benefits and ministry expenses— everything we receive. It amazes me sometimes to realize that we have seen the Lord provide this way, through a team of committed donors, for 36 years.

However, as we look towards 2022, we find ourselves with a specific need that requires us to give attention to our funding.

Recently a long-term church partner informed us of a change in their giving, resulting in a decrease in our funding of $4800 annually. Add in a significant increase in the costs of our medical coverage and ministry expenses, and we find ourselves needing to raise an additional $14,000 in annual giving this coming year.

For us this need is best met with on-going giving on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. But while our primary need is for long-term funding, a gift of any amount at this time helps us serve for the coming year.

If you would like to help with this need, you can do so by giving a one-time gift, or joining our team on a regular basis. You can give online at www.give.cru.org.

Thank you for considering this request and lifting this need up to the Father. I hope to continue to blog my way through the Bible in 2022, and your giving will help make that possible.

