Perhaps David had a family Christmas celebration* in mind when he prayed, set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.

David prayed for discretion and wisdom in his speech. He did not declare an intent to remain silent, but asked instead for a careful watch over his words. David set himself up to listen well and respond carefully.

Of course, David ruled an entire nation, and needed all the insight and perception he could gather. An understanding leader listens more than they talk.

Which is a mindset that works well with family gatherings, office parties and outings with friends. Asking the Lord to set a guard over my mouth is never a bad prayer to pray.

Psalm 141 in week fifty-one of reading the Bible cover to cover

Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino

*I realize that David never attended any Christmas celebrations, as Jesus was yet to be born, Santa hadn’t been invented, and ugly sweaters were only a dream. But if David threw a Christmas party, I’m sure it would have been a rager.