Guidance from Overlooked Men and Women of the Bible

Strangers in a Strange Land

Late last night my wife and I and two fellow members of our church drove three vehicles out to Denver International Airport to pick up two families relocating to Colorado. These couples and their young children fled Afghanistan following the US withdrawal last year.

We tracked down errant luggage, schlepped bags to our cars, helped one of the husbands care for his air-sick wife, drove to their temporary housing and introduced them to aid workers. Sometime after midnight we headed home.

We are part of a larger team from our church who are working to resettle several Afghan families. Our church raised money during Advent to help with expenses, and we’ll soon (fingers crossed) move these families into apartments furnished by these offerings. Then we’ll help the men find jobs and begin English lessons for everyone—did I forget to mention that none of them speak English?

Over time, these young parents will get jobs, learn the language, raise their kids and hopefully prosper in this country. The team of folks from our church will be super helpful throughout the process. I pray these shell-shocked travelers might discover the love of Jesus through the caring work of our church community. Someday all that will sink in.

But for now, will you join me in praying for these newly arrived refugees? I can’t share their names or pictures, but they are two young married couples, with 4 children between them, including the youngest baby born here in the States. Pray also for our team, that we will demonstrate love and patience as we work together.

I can’t help but remember that Moses referred to himself as a stranger in the strange land (Exodus 2:22). Surely these young Afghans feel the same way, so perhaps we can ease their anxiety a bit as we welcome them into our (and their new) land.

Photo: Sgt. Samuel Ruiz/U.S. Marine Corps via AP, File

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