Today I read this line in Psalm 146—The Lord gives sight to the blind.
I started thinking of the wide varieties of blindness Jesus faced, and people who benefited from his touch:
Those blinded physically—Bartimaeus.
Those blinded by Jesus himself—Saul.
Those blinded by death—Lazarus.
Those blinded by wealth—Zacchaeus.
Those blinded by ethnicity—the Samaritan woman at the well.
Those blinded by power—Pilate.
Those blinded by grief—Jairus.
Those blinded by disease—the ten lepers.
Those blinded by worry—Martha.
Those blinded by the spiritual powers—the Gerasene demoniac.
Those blinded by hopelessness—the woman who bled for 12 years.
Those blinded by religiosity—Nicodemas.
Those blinded by education—teachers in the temple.
Finally, those blinded to the ways and knowledge of the Lord—me and you.
The Lord gives sight to the blind—again and again and again.
Psalm 146 in reading the Bible cover to cover in 2022
Photo by Krissana Porto
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