Sometimes tragedy or violence or disease cut a life short of fully flowering. We always wonder—what might have been?
Consider the first martyr in Christian history.
The Apostles chose Stephen to run a program caring for widows, describing him as a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit. Stephen ministered publicly as well—now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people.
When he preached, Stephen’s face shone like the face of an angel, not in cuteness like we describe babies, but in a sense of holiness that struck awe and jealousy.
Eventually arrested, Stephen gave a powerful sermon condemning the religious elites, who were furious and gnashed their teeth at him, and stoned him to death. Thus a life of massive promise cut short.
What might have been if Stephen lived longer? What miracles would we read about today? Where might he have traveled on missionary journeys? What books might he have written?
Sad to consider the loss of such a man who followed the Lord. But it’s also fascinating to remember that watching the debacle of Stephen’s murder stood Saul, soon to become Paul. The Lord taketh away and the Lord giveth.
I also wonder who’s next? What man or woman stands on the sidelines waiting for a nudge from the Lord to get into the fray? That’s an exciting thought—who will the Lord raise up next? Let’s pray for saints to follow in Stephen’s footsteps.
Acts 6 & 7 in reading the Bible cover to cover in 2022
Photo by Street Donkey
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