I sometimes find it hard to discover sources of regular encouragement. As I read my newsfeed, or scan through the latest controversy or cancelation on social media, rarely does an impetus to endure raise its head. But Paul reminds me of just such a resource at my fingertips.

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

These past scriptures Paul refers to, our Old Testament, provide a gushing spring of endurance and encouragement. Endurance in the lives of those we read about and encouragement in God’s care for his people.

It’s popular today to discount the teachings of the Old Testament as too ancient or out of touch for our modern era. But Paul pushes an opposite agenda. We need those scriptures.

Everything that was written in the past—enduring wisdom from the hand of God—exists for our benefit. To help encourage us in the faith and to build endurance to live the faith, and even to flourish in the midst of our challenging world.

These Scriptures endured thousands of years. We need them if we hope to enjoy and live out our faith a few dozen more.

Romans 15 in reading the Bible cover to cover in 2022

Photo by Karim MANJRA