One of the things that comes easy in life is being judgmental. Just think what great shape we’d all be in if exercise came as easy as judging others.

Paul shared directions on who should judge whom. Responding to news of blatant sexual immorality among the faithful in Corinth (a man was sleeping with his father’s wife), Paul called for the removal of this man from the church. If still unrepentant, Paul directed handing the man over to Satan for the destruction of his body, and thus perhaps saving his soul.

Strong, pointed decision-making about an unacceptable situation within the local body of believers. But Paul diverged in regards their non-believing neighbors. What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are we not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside.

Those of us who follow the ways of Jesus, who possess the Holy Spirit, who engage with one another in a church, need to police ourselves. Along with encouragement and care comes walking the straight and narrow. Loving each other means teaching and living both grace and truth.

As for those around us who do not yet believe? Back off on passing sentence (I’m preaching to myself here), and pray for our friends and neighbors and those we engage with during the day. Ask the Lord to grant a bit of his perspective.

No one lives forever in a judgement-free zone. Pray for kindness in our hearts, and pray for those around us to meet the Lord as Savior before meeting Him as judge.

I Corinthians 5 in reading the Bible cover to cover in 2022

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm