I sat outside (letting my coffee do its work) and heard the loud whoosh! of a hot air balloon firing its burner. The ballon flew overhead somewhere, veiled by thick layers of leaves. Slowly the balloon drifted into sight, with me emerging clearly into the passenger’s view. Way too early for unexpected guests, but I waved politely.

Similar to how those leaves veiled my view of a balloon, Paul wrote of a divine screening: Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.

Ever talk to someone about God and get no response? Did it feel like no comprehension, no interest, existed at all? Good chance a veil obstructed their view.

Rather than speak louder, ask the Lord to remove the veil. Spiritual clarity develops slowly, like a balloon drifting across the sky. This veil is a defiant spiritual reality—a cataract of the soul—and only the Lord eliminates the screen between any of us and true knowledge of Him.

Knowing a veil exists lends me patience for those around me who seem far from the Lord. I’m not superior in my unveiled status, just fortunate to live in grace and ability to contemplate the Lord’s glory.

As for those who just don’t get it? Pray the veils falls.

2 Corinthians 3 in reading the Bible cover to cover in 2022

Photo – an offending balloon escaping from my house