A common complaint about the Bible revolves around the perceived differences between the God portrayed in the Old Testament and the loving nature of Jesus in the New. On careful reading however, this dichotomy fades.

The prophet Ezekiel lays out the argument that every person lives or dies based on their own relationship with God. I don’t get a pass because my parents followed the Lord, nor are my children condemned if I join the ranks of the wicked. We each stand before the Lord on our own.

The Lord emphasized to Ezekiel—Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?

This is the wrathful God of the Old Testament speaking.

The Lord indeed takes pleasure in the man or woman who listens to his words and attempts to apply them to his or her life. He made it possible to turn from our corruption with the gift of Jesus as our mediator and savior.

Maybe a different view than we’re led to expect, which is good news from a wild-haired prophet.

Ezekiel 18 in reading the Bible cover to cover in 2022

Photo by Jan Tinneberg