Lots of interesting people asked Jesus questions. Pharisees grilled him over and over, expecting to trip him up. But others asked out of purer motives, hoping to gain insight into a life approved by God.

One day a rich, young ruler asked Jesus, Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?

After a discussion on the commandments, Jesus replied, You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.

The young man grew sad, because he was very wealthy, the implication being that he just couldn’t part with his riches. Perhaps someday he did? I hope these words from Jesus echoed in his heart in the coming years.

I find this passage super convicting—I see myself in the rich young ruler.

Compared to the 8 billion+ people in this world, I possess a great deal of money. I own a comfortable home and two vehicles. While I’m not young, I’m young at heart (not the same, but it’s all I got), and in good health. I enjoy an education most people around the world only dream of. Opportunities exist around me, and the U.S. is still the most coveted destination to live in the world.

I’ve been given great gifts—will I trust the Lord with them? Jesus wants everything I have and everything I am. He wants me to to sell it all for him again and again—am I willing to do so?

I don’t know. I wrestle with these questions. The words of Jesus never get less challenging, and his question remains—will you sell it all for me?

Luke 18 in reading the Bible cover to cover in 2022

Photo by Vita Vilcina