Reading through the Bible every year and blogging about it is only a small (but very enjoyable) part of what I do.

I recently returned from two successive weekends speaking to college juniors and seniors who are considering next steps beyond graduation. While some plan to work in ministry, others are thinking about how to best serve the Lord in their places of work.

It was a privilege to speak to such motivated young people on walking with the Lord for the next 60 years of their lives. In a world where we don’t hear enough good news, these delightful students give hope for the future.

Later in January I’ll travel to Guatemala to plan for mission trips with professors alongside a partnering ministry. In March my wife and I will help host an outreach featuring American academics in Italy, and in June we will again lead a group on the Camino de Santiago in northern Spain.

Alongside these mission experiences, I’m working towards a Doctor of Ministry degree. Already well into the program, I’m researching how to better equip professors to serve as missionaries. I’m excited about the confluence of missions with this avenue of study.

Which brings me to money. My wife and I raise all the funds needed to cover our salary, health care, retirement benefits and ministry expenses—everything we receive. It amazes me to realize that we have seen the Lord provide, through many committed donors, for 37 years straight.

With so many doors opening, I hope to raise an additional $25,000 for the coming year. Along with opportunities with international missions and the expenses for my doctoral program, an increase in medical insurance adds to the total. Would you prayerfully consider giving toward this need?

This need is best met with on-going giving. But while our primary need is for long-term funding, a gift of any amount helps us serve for the coming year.

If you would like to help, you can do so by making a one-time gift or joining our team on a regular basis. You can give to us at

I appreciate your thoughtfulness in following my blog, Thank you as well for considering this request.

I look forward to this next year of engaging with Scripture together and seeing what the Lord brings!