In the account of creation, we hear how the Lord brought everything into existence. Amidst the furious action, only a few words describe forming the vast expanse of space—He also made the stars.

How easy for the Lord and how wonderful for you and me, that God created the stars. Writing in Psalm 19, David described the importance of this host: The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the word of his hands…night after night they reveal knowledge…their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

I’m enthralled with the pictures from the James Webb Space Telescope. Gazing at images from deep space, David’s words reverberate in my mind. The heavens indeed declare God’s glory, and if this is the work of God’s hands, then I have no idea what God can really do. I’m humbled.

In the same psalm, David zooms from the heavens to the Scriptures, comparing light to light—the commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. While I can gaze above in wonder, I hold on my lap words from the same Creator.

Indeed, when I open the Word of God I hold the stars in my hands.

Thank you Lord for this new year, one you knew in eternity past, and one which holds no surprises for you. Thank you for a powerful space telescope, built by clever engineers, to view your creation closer than ever before. Help me to remember this year that your commands, like your skies, remain radiant.

Genesis 1 and Psalm 19 in reading the Bible in 2023

Photo from NASA