In the midst of a raging storm, Jesus treated the elements of nature like a class of unruly third-graders—Quiet! Be Still! Then the wind died down and it was dead calm.
Jesus turned and rebuked his disciples (who shook him awake in fear) for their lack of faith, for forgetting who rode in their boat.
But the disciples response shakes me: They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”
These new followers of Jesus whipped from fear of the storm to terror of the man sharing their boat.
An unknown aspect of Jesus emerged, bringing an oppressive sense of awe. The divine leaked around the edges and the disciples caught it. At that moment Jesus was too much for them.
We catch only a sliver of Jesus’s power. This storm offered a glimpse of what he’s capable of. It must have been truly awesome, in every sense of the word, to rock quietly in that boat as the waves died down.
Jesus, a friend to sinners, a comfort to those in need, who healed the sick and raised the dead—also terrorized his closest followers when they glimpsed his true nature.
I wonder if I know enough about Jesus to find him terrifying?
Mark 4 in reading the Bible in 2023
Photo by Axel Antas-Bergkvist
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