People fight over water here in Colorado. A constant source of litigation, entire firms of lawyers specialize in water rights. The supply is limited, and good living depends on accessible water.

Water issues bubble up early in the scriptures. Isaac’s men dug a well of fresh water which neighbors immediately grabbed—this well is ours! That well earned the name Esek, or dispute. They successfully dug again, but the quarrels followed. Isaac named the next well Sitnah, or opposition.

Moving on, they ditched their contentious neighbors and struck water once more. Finally at peace, Isaac called this well Rehoboth, or room, saying now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish in the land.

Good wells lead to a flourishing life, and I’m reminded of some of my refreshing reservoirs.

My wife and I earn a living thanks to a team of ministry partners who financially and prayerfully support our work. This dedicated group of people form a deep well of fresh encouragement—they allow us to flourish.

What are your wells? I also think of family and friends, a warm home and good health. What gives and sustains your life?

Of course, the Lord provides all we possess, and I find it encouraging to notice and name the wells he has dug in my life.

Genesis 26 in reading the Bible in 2023

Photo by Frank Albrecht