Ever been shocked at good fortune? Like a check in the mail or a promotion out of the blue? Joseph got promoted like no one else.

One morning waking up a slave in a dungeon, and by nightfall ruling as the most powerful person in Egypt (after Pharaoh). Even then Joseph had to borrow a bedroom. As if a forgotten prisoner in a supermax prison is released, jetted to the White House and granted sweeping emergency powers over the land.

A stunning rise to power.

Who stood behind this reversal of fortune? The Lord, of course. The psalmist wrote: The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hands of the Lord; He turns it wherever he wishes (Proverbs 21:1).

In this case the Lord turned Pharaoh’s heart toward Joseph, and in turn blessed Joseph’s family and generations to follow. All the way down to you and me.

Don’t give up. You and I may feel stuck in a pit. But God works beyond our view, to rescue and to provide.

Hang in and keep the faith.

Genesis 41 in reading the Bible in 2023

Photo by Juskteez Vu