I sat in Antigua, Guatemala at the end of our trip with Filter of Hope and came across this in the psalms—The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.

This beautiful country belongs to the Lord. We fly home tomorrow to Colorado, which also belongs to the Lord. Every person I meet here and along the way belongs to the Lord.

All I claim to own belongs to the Lord. All the richest in our world possess and gaze upon with pride actually belongs to the Lord, as well as the pennies grasped by the poorest beggar. I may forget, but that doesn’t change the truth. I am not my own.

In reality I am a steward, an important position as I care for the good things the Lord placed under my watch. This goes for the earth and the world around me, as well as those people within my orbit. I hope to help them flourish, enjoy good health, strong relationships, and move closer to the Lord.

This past week stewardship consisted of converting contaminated water to clean. But it also involved opening eyes in fresh ways to the founder of all things.

Because a good steward always points to the owner.

Psalm 24 in reading the Bible in 2023