Sometimes my faith stalls.
Or even flatlines until some jolt comes along to bring me back. Paul wrote to those needing a jolt in Philippi. After musing about a better life in the presence of Jesus, Paul returned to the moment:
But it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith.
Paul helped young believers blossom into mature followers of Jesus. In doing so he spread the joy that results from such faith. As for me, a dearth of joy often reveals a sputtering faith, a lack of keeping on. The two—progress and joy—move together.
I like this job description Paul employed—one who helps others mature and find joy in the person of Jesus. He hoped the Philippians boasting in Jesus Christ will abound on account of me. If my faith grows and a sense of joy pervades my soul, then Paul deserves some of the credit. He stayed true to his calling.
You and I can also stay true. We can help others progress in their faith and experience the joy discovered therein. It’s a high calling, one each follower of Jesus is encouraged to employ. But if we can help others boast in Jesus Christ, then we have something to boast about as well.
Philippians 1 in reading the Bible in 2023
Photo by Tim Mossholder
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