They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40: 31).
By the end of a week on the Camino de Santiago I’m tired.
I’ve walked 10-15 miles every day. Through the morning I limber up, but my knees and hips feel the distance in the evening. I look forward to the close of each day’s stretch when I kick off my shoes and take refreshment. I renew my strength in order to walk the next day.
Life often discourages us, like a long trail to a false summit. I need renewal, and in the Lord resides strength beyond myself, a super-natural lifting. But I must wait and trust. Even if I don’t necessarily feel the strength coming, I take to the trail.
Within the Lord I can walk without fail. I can run and perhaps even fly. The Lord’s strength, infused through the Holy Spirit, pushes me to lengths I failed to believe possible when I started down the long journey of life.
Camino de Santiago 2023
Photo by Robin Ooode
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