A lot of life takes place behind the scenes. Especially when it comes to loving our neighbor and seeking to honor the Lord. Mostly this involves little decisions made over and over. We pray, we fix a fence, we take a meal to someone recovering from surgery, we loan our car, we attend our local church.

Does anyone notice our unremarkable life? Actually, more people than you realize. Even more importantly, the Lord pays heed to the minutia: For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

Realize the Lord identifies those who hold to him, and empowers them to follow where He leads. Do the little extra for someone (or lot extra), and stop fretting about who gets the credit.

Focus on staying committed to the Lord, and the need to be noticed will take care of itself.

2 Chronicles 16 in reading the Bible in 2023

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo