The violence in our world seems inexplicable, but it’s nothing new. When Jehoram took power in Judah, he immediately murdered all his brothers, potential rivals for the throne. The chronicler says of Jehoram, He followed the ways of the kings of Israel, as the house of Ahab had done…He did evil in the eyes of the Lord.
Jehoram’s father followed the Lord wholeheartedly and God blessed the kingdom as a result. Yet Jehoram ran the opposite direction.
Why the turn?
Jehoram grew enamored with the legacy of Ahab and the rulers of the kingdom of Israel. He even married a daughter of Ahab. Perhaps the way they wielded power appealed to Jehoram. Maybe his wife whispered in his ear. Regardless, he allowed his heart to slip north, away from obligations and restraints, and ultimately away from the Lord.
What draws you and me away from the Lord? The desire to chart our own path, or gain more social media followers? Perhaps to get ahead. Maybe to simply fit in—to drift along, allowing the influencers bidding for our attention to do as they will.
Don’t sell out. Ruin results from decisions like Jehoram’s. Indeed make a turn, not away from the Lord, but back to him.
2 Chronicles 21 in reading the Bible in 2023
Photo by Roger Bradshaw
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