One never drifts too far away from the Lord to be restored. Take Peter for example, denying Jesus three times in the hours before the crucifixion. Only a few days after his resurrection, Jesus met Peter on a beach and asked the same question three times:

Simon son of John, do you love me?

Peter answered over and over, Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.

Peter screwed up the night his Lord was taken, then struggled with guilt and shame and frustration. But Jesus specifically took Peter to his place of struggle and cleaned out the gunk. Peter responded zealously until his own crucifixion in Rome, upside down (by his request) because he felt unworthy to die like his Savior.

It’s never too late to return to the Lord, or rather, let the Lord return to you.

After Peter’s collapse Jesus sought him out, found him out fishing, and restored their relationship. Peter’s gruff exterior masked a deep wound of the heart which Jesus addressed.

Jesus returns and forgives. Again and again. Like he did for Peter, he looks to do the same for you and me.

John 21 in reading the Bible in 2023

Photo by Motoki Tonn