After every football game I point out what certain players could have done better. If only they’d caught that pass, or juked another direction, and a loss would turn into a victory. All is clear from my couch, but then again I’m not on the field running full speed away from large individuals looking to plow me into the ground.

It’s easy to pontificate, much harder to perform.

John the Apostle reminded us that we gotta walk the talk in regards to living out our faith: Little children, let us not love in words or talk but in deed and in truth.

Much of what passes as loving is simply words. Social media posturing. Clicking the like button. Telling others what to do. Everyone preaches but no one listens. I fail to notice deeper needs when I’m busy talking.

Better to quietly practice love than boldly announce my good intentions. Virtue signaling lingers like the smell of yesterday’s fried fish, and is about as welcome.

Getting off my couch takes work. I’ll fumble at times and might even get hurt in the process. But loving in deed and in truth requires more than talk from this Monday-morning quarterback.

I John 3 in reading the Bible in 2023

Photo by Keith Johnston