The “self-made man” is a great American myth. We champion those who rose from seemingly nothing to heights of greatness. But no one really rises from nothing. We all have help along the way, be it wise parents, or a teacher who uncovers our potential, or a mentor who pushes us farther than we thought possible. We need others along any path to success.

Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem with the help of scores of others. Under his leadership, citizens joined together to accomplish a near impossible task.

Here’s a few lines from the description of the work carried out all along the remnants of the wall surrounding the city:

Next to him, the repairs were made by the Levites under Rehum son of Bani. Next to him, Hashahiah carried out repairs. Next to him, the repairs were made by their fellow Levites…Next to him, Ezer repaired another section…Next to him, Baruch son of Zabbai zealously repaired another section...

And on and on. The phrase next to him appears over and over as the writer describes the enthusiastic work put in by the men and women of Jerusalem. Despite fatigue and threats of violence, they finished the wall in an astounding 52 days.

I can set out to achieve great things on my own, and maybe I’ll get there. But to build things that last, like massive walls or a life of faith—especially a life of faith—I need to get shoulder to shoulder with good people.

I need to get next to him and go to work.

Nehemiah 3 in reading the Bible in 2023

Photo by Lukas